I was wondering whether Sublime Text has basic paragraph formatting features; specifically align left, align right, centre and justify. I am also a registered user of UltraEdit (I also am a licensed user of Sublime Text) but I find UltraEdit to be a bit bloated (bloatware). I don’t think that UltraEdit has this feature. Thank you for your help.
Paragraph formatting features in Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a plain text editor. Text alignment and justification doesn’t make any sense when working with plain text.
If you’re looking to format your text I suggest using a rich text editor like LibreOffice, Word, WordPad, etc.
I am a hobbyist programmer (just getting started - I don’t know much yet). I want to be able to write READ.ME files (and other similar text files) and format them so that they look neat and tidy. UltraEdit has paragraph formatting features and I think Vim has as well.
readmes are generally plain text or markdown, neither of which can do text alignment or text justification. Alignment and justification can be faked by inserting spaces, which you can do using plugins in ST: https://packagecontrol.io/search/align, https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Justify.
As someone who regularly reads readmes, please don’t justify or center/right align your text. Wrap it at a reasonable column width and leave it at that. You can do this in ST using Edit > Wrap > Wrap Paragraph at Ruler.