Sublime Forum

Pane resizing


How do I resize panes in Sublime Text 4169? I would expect that if I go with the mouse pointer over the vertical line between panes, I can drag it, but nothing happens. This post from 2014 points out that a shortcut for that event was added to Sublime core, and I can also see this GitHub repository feature, but working only on Subl 2 and 3.



I would expect that if I go with the mouse pointer over the vertical line between panes, I can drag it

Works for me on Windows 10/11 exactly like that. Note the dragging line is above tab bar.



Might be OS specific? I am on Ubuntu 22.04.4. I dont see any dragging line above tab bar. My tabs ends on the top of the window. There is only the Title are of the main window above.



Well, maybe you got confused by tab multiselect feature.

Panes aka groups belong to editor layout. They can be resized via drag & drop.

If you however select multiple tabs in a single pane/group, their content is displayed next to each other in equally sized “sub views”. Thes are no real panes and thus can’t be resized.

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So you are saying me, if I click on CTRL and then select tabs, which are then visible on one window, its not a that situation, when I can then resize their size? I was trying to achieve what I am seing in this video. Trully the guy have tabs on the different position, than me when selecting them via CTRL. But what whoudl I drag and where to drop it to achieve that?



Exactly. Views which are displayed as a result of selecting multiple tabs can’t be resized manually.