Sublime Forum

PackageDev - The SublimeText Meta Package (Version 3)


PackageDev, the package for package developers (and normal users alike) has finally been updated to the Next Generation™ of Sublime Text technology. As such, it is only available for newer builds (3118 or higher).

Documentation and User Guide

Documentation has been moved to the repository’s wiki with lots of detailed descriptions and screenshots:


  • All syntax definitions have been rewritten from scratch in the new .sublime-syntax format (excluding *-tmLanguage syntaxes).
    As a result, all file paths to the syntax definitions have changed and you may have to re-set or re-open any files using them.
    In the process, all snippets and completions have been updated and more have been added, including auto-completions for all available commands and their arguments.
    Entirely new syntax definitions have been added for:

    • new syntax definition files
    • menu files
    • project files
    • tmPreferences files (and generic property lists)
  • Settings are linted, have auto-completion and helpful tooltips.
    Settings descriptions and possible values are parsed from a setting’s comment, as long as the package provides one.
    Side-by-side settings also have quick link for editing them.

  • New and intelligent templates for old and new resource files.
    With a package’s folder added to a project, open the command palette with PackageDev: New.

  • Some goodies for writing syntax tests:

    • Completions of scope selectors
    • Highlighting of the region that is being tested with the current line
    • Automatic assignment of the specified syntax
  • A new command to create a package: PackageDev: Create Package

  • All commands have been renamed to include the packagedev_ prefix.
    Remember to update your key bindings, if you have any.

  • Other various fixes or tweaks

See this thread for pre-release discussion.



3.1.0 is out now with the following changes:

  • Add support for the new .sublime-color-scheme format, including:
    • syntax highlighting (@kingkeith),
    • symbol list,
    • completions for all keys,
    • CSS variable completions,
    • scope name completions in selectors.
  • Add support for embed action in syntax definitions. (@kingkeith)
  • Add completions for tmPreferences files (and improve PList completions).
  • Add e snippet for tmPreferences.
  • Make scope name completions more robust. (@deathaxe)
  • Ensure all plugins are updated in-memory on a package update.
  • Improve settings tooltip readability with white color schemes. (@deathaxe)
  • More small bugfixes.


3.2.0 was just released. There have been a couple patch-level releases with minor bugfixes and additions that I didn’t create any messages for.

The key feature of 3.2.0 is full support for themes. Check out syntax highlighting and completions in the preview below:

The honorable mention feature goes to a new command to open a new project with a package (PackageDev: Open Package).

For the full changelog, check our the releases page.



3.3.0 is finally out after being in the works for way too long. It’s for ST4 builds only, because it uses features only supported by those, but a backport release was made with 3.2.17 half a year ago that I haven’t announced in here.

Key features

  • Rich completions (ST4 only)
  • Variable completions in theme (and color scheme) overrides and for extended themes
  • Many little fixes and adjustments to new features provided by ST4
  • New settings for better interoperability with LSP-json.




I just released 3.4.0 with the very cool feature of syntax text generation, courtesy of @ThomSmith, along with many small fixes and updates for the recent-ish Sublime Text and Merge builds.

View the full changelog at

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Nice feature ! I especially like the fact that the meta scopes are not duplicate tested on subsequent lines. This should make writing syntax tests, less of a chore.