Sublime Forum

Package requirements


Suppose, my plugin works jointly with others, and I may say, it depends strongly on other packages, similar like when we build python packages and there is a requirements.txt file that tells pip what packages need to be installed.

How can we do that for avoiding the user install every single package manually?



If you mean Packages in the Sublime Text sense (i.e. stuff you can install from, there is currently no package control mechanism for making sure that other packages are installed when yours is installed. In that case you need to instruct your users to install the other packages and write your own code to degrade gracefully if they’re not there.

If you mean packages in a more python-type sense (i.e. libraries), then PackageControl has a mechanism for dependencies that can help. In that case you need to have your python library added to package control as a dependency (if it’s not already there) and include a file in your own package that tells package control which ones it needs to install.

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