We published a hot fix for our plugin 3 days ago and it is still not showing up in package control. noticed other developers in Discord are also have trouble for past 2+ weeks.
Is there an issue with Package Control? Some workaround?
We published a hot fix for our plugin 3 days ago and it is still not showing up in package control. noticed other developers in Discord are also have trouble for past 2+ weeks.
Is there an issue with Package Control? Some workaround?
Obviously there’s an issue with packagecontrol.io not picking up new releases. Maybe another out-of-storage issue or anything else. The only persoen who has access to debug is @wbond. Community can only guess, wait and pray for a fix.
It still makes me nervous that packagecontrol is a third-party service, that is not backed or supported by SublimeHQ. It such a critical component to the ST ecosystem, that without it, idots like me would not know where to start.
SublimeHQ has backed package control through donations for a while. We are currently in the (slow) process of taking it over from Will.
@bschaaf is there an ETA on when latest package updates will be accessible in Package Control?
The problem (I think) are from the GitHub Action workflow to update the repository
Recent actions failed (but did not error )
Looking though the history of the action, it seems it frequently fails. And then starts succeeding for no apparent reason.
You are on the wrong track!
Those Github Actions drive channel_v4.json which is used for libraries, only.
Packages are crawled and deployed by packagecontrol.io directly, which we do not have access to.
Current infrastructure of mentioned Github Action is not sufficient to crawl all packages.
Recent actions failed (but did not error
This is no failure, but just a skipped upload of a new channel_v4 due to lack of changes. Nothing has been updated since last crawl run.
Doesn’t look like there are any updates here yet, right? Weirdly, package control has picked up a couple of updates since then. I wonder how. cc @wbond