Sublime Forum

Package Control - Nagging Changelogs


Is there any way to get rid these update messages from plugins. I like the plugins but some authors overdo their communication & updates. There is one plugin which has nearly daily-updates with changelogs displayed inside sublime-text

Is there any way to suppress these messages which are like

The plugin x has been updated, stop doing your work. Instead, please take a look at my changelog. Bugfix here and there. I am planning this awesome new feature and maybe you are interested in clicking my donation link. Now you are allowed to close this changelog file and continue doing your work.

I am aware of "auto_upgrade_frequency": 1, and "auto_upgrade": true,. These options do not solve this issue, they just shift it to another point in time. All I am asking for are silent updates. I am glad the plugins are actively maintained, but they verbosity of opening a changelog all the time the is really really annoying. There should be an option to disable any message when running the update.

Not sure if this is only a technical problem?




I hoped for a less incisive way. But I can live with removing that line in



I would complain to the package developers who are choosing to spam you with messages. Or uninstall the packages.