Sublime Forum

Overwrite Alt key


I am using Windows 11. I have installed a package that overwrites alt+p. I have changed the key binding to trigger the command from the package. Now, I would like to get back the original functionality of alt+p, which is selecting Project from the menu. How can I do this?



Not sure if you ever resolved this or not, but just in case:

{ "keys": ["alt+p"], "command": "noop" },

i.e. binding a command to noop should cause Sublime to fall back to whatever it would have done (in this case, letting the OS handle the key so that the menu accelerator triggers again).



Thank you taking the time to respond. Unfortunately that did not solve it for me. The key binding you suggested does prevent the package command from being triggered by altp, but it does not select Project from the menu. I ended up copying the Default (Windows).sublime-keymap file from the package to AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\package_name and commenting out the key binding to prevent the package from changing altp in the first place.