Sublime Forum

Output Panel Not Displayed


My plugin does some processing that take a few seconds to complete. I thought it would be a good idea to pop up a message while the processing was in progress so it wouldn’t look like things were hung . Nothing fancy, just some static text on a panel:

new_file = view.window().new_file()
progress_panel = new_file.window().create_output_panel('progress_panel')
progress_panel.run_command("append", {"characters": "Converting file. Please wait..."})
new_file.window().run_command('show_panel', {'panel':'output.progress_panel'})
... wait for processing to complete; around 5 seconds or so....
new_file.window().run_command('hide_panel', {'panel':'output.progress_panel'})

The code runs with no errors, but I don’t get a output panel. Seems like pretty straightforward implementation, so I’m not sure where I’m going wrong. Any insight is appreciated.



hmm, manually running your code from the ST console works as expected.

Maybe you need to use a different thread or something so that the UI will get updated before the command completes…


sublime.set_timeout_async(lambda: new_file.window().run_command('show_panel', {'panel':'output.progress_panel'}), 0)


I think you better use the status bar…



Yeah, the problem appears to be threading/blocking. I’m trying to display the panel just before doing some disk I/O and creating a new file/tab. If I comment out the method that goes to the drive, the panel shows just fine. Same thing with the quick panel and show_popup. Not sure if I want to get involved with threading just to popup a status message. But I certainly appreciate the help.:+1:



I doubt that it’s relevant here, but as an aside if you were invoking this code as a result of an event call (like on_save or some such) you can get into a separate thread by just using the asynchronous version of the event handler instead.

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Changing the plugin to use the async version of the load event worked :+1: Thanks for the tip!

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