My plugin does some processing that take a few seconds to complete. I thought it would be a good idea to pop up a message while the processing was in progress so it wouldn’t look like things were hung . Nothing fancy, just some static text on a panel:
new_file = view.window().new_file()
progress_panel = new_file.window().create_output_panel('progress_panel')
progress_panel.run_command("append", {"characters": "Converting file. Please wait..."})
new_file.window().run_command('show_panel', {'panel':'output.progress_panel'})
... wait for processing to complete; around 5 seconds or so....
new_file.window().run_command('hide_panel', {'panel':'output.progress_panel'})
The code runs with no errors, but I don’t get a output panel. Seems like pretty straightforward implementation, so I’m not sure where I’m going wrong. Any insight is appreciated.