Sublime Forum

Open project from a plugin


I have this plugin that basically gives me a quick panel with a list of all my projects in a certain directory, and if I pick one, it should open it. I prefer this solution to the native quick project panel thingy that tends to forget about some of my projects.

That said, in ST2 I can’t seem to open a project anymore. Code is there, with the broken line highlighted: …

If anyone has a clue how to do this I’d be much grateful.



I’d really like this - if anyone has a clue or if it can be added to a future build it’d be great.



+1 I’m on ST3. If you really want to open a project, you can do:

subl --project "path-to-project-name"

You had to add subl to your path

On window: config panel -> system and security -> system -> Advanced System Settings -> environnement variables

Select path, click on edit and add ;path-to-your-sublime-exe