Sublime Forum

One use for showInputPanel: interactive Haskell prompt


Saw this function in the changelog for the latest beta and couldn’t find any examples yet on how to use it yet, so I played around a little:

class GhcExpressionCommand(sublimeplugin.TextCommand): def run(self, view, args): view.window().runCommand("save") runexpr = lambda e: view.window().runCommand("exec","","ghc.exe -e \"" + e.replace("\"","\\\"") + "\" \"" + view.fileName() + "\""]) view.window().showInputPanel("Run Ghc expression:", "", runexpr, lambda s:s, 0)
Bind with something like

<binding key="F8" command="ghcExpression"> <context name="selector" value="source.haskell"/> </binding>
and voila, an interactive Haskell prompt in Sublime text. Useful for things like checking types or quickly testing the output of a function.
It should work for other languages as well, assuming they can run commands on a file from the command line.

Very useful addition, thanks jps!



Definitely. With the input panel and the quick panel, we’ve got some really nice tools for adding interactivity. Thumbs up from me, too!



This would also be useful for vi emulation; pop up a panel and type “s/search/replace” to do a vi-style search-and-replace. Our man vim will be very happy, I suspect…


