Sublime Forum

Not really important, but when renaming foo.js in Foo.js it doesn't work


renaming fails when changing the first letter from small case to upper case

my file name was aEdit.js, and tried renaming to AEdit.js, didn’t work




Because Windows (usually) has a non-case sensitive filesystem, aEdit.js and AEdit.js are the same file name. So when you try to do the rename directly, it has no effect.

You can make what you want happen by renaming the file to something that has an extra character (like aEditX.js) and then renaming it to what you actually wanted.

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Just ran across the same issue. It might seem arbitrary, but it is rather annoying when I create a lowercase file only to remember it is an object definition (and so should be uppercase) and find I can’t do it in Sublime. Also it is expected behavior as the Windows File Explorer lets you rename files to/from caps.

Anyway, hope gets fixed.

