Sublime Forum

Node.exe not found : a well known issue still open... it seems


Hello All ,

I have tried nearly all proposed solutions to get node.exe to be found with zero success up to now.

I have locally installed an SQLite 3 folder (npm install save locally) which I open as a folder in ST3.
I run SQL queries from ST3 with no issue at all which means that node is properly set up on my W7 environment.

Now if I try to run a simple JS function “console.log(“hello world”);” I can not get node.exe to be found.

I have seen plenty of threads about this type of issue and there seems to be no real solution besides more or less specific hacks.

So I resolved myself to ask the question again .
Sorry for the “noise” if I missed a solution somewhere.




Hello All …

For mere reference if somebody else has the issue:
I finally found a way to get node.exe to be found on my W7:
I created a custom ’ *sublime-build ’ containing only this (and no nodejs user settings) :

“cmd”: [“C:/nodejs/node.exe”, “$file”],
“file_regex”: “^[ ]File "(…?)”, line ([0-9]*)",
“selector”: “source.js”,

I found this on :