Sublime Forum

No terminal screen at bottom of Sublime Text window


I’m using Sublime Text for work in Python3. I am new to programming. I am new to Sublime Text. When I type in print(“Hello Python world”) into Sublime Text window, I get no response… nothing.

Note: when I type this same command on a Windows terminal screen, I do get the output Hello Python world.



I think you need for python REPL, in Sublime is package SublimeREPL, I never used it, I must say.

In Windows command line i suppose you happened to use one of DOS commands, which is accidentally same as python’s outputting commands. Or used it in pyhon’s original REPL environment.

Maybe I am wrong, haven’t used Windows a long time and don’t know your setup.





I think what you’re looking for is a plugin that will allow you to use an interactive terminal in Sublime Text, I’ve been using Terminus for a while with good results.

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