Sublime Forum

No BuildSystem with variant ShellScript


I’ve created a keybinding that is the following:

{ "keys": ["command+shift+r"], "command": "build", "args": { "variant": "ShellScript" } }

When I open the command palette and type “build”, I see this option:

“Build With: ShellScript”

But my key binding gives me an error:

“No build system with variant ShellScript”

How can I create a keybinding to build and run my .sh scripts?




Where did the key binding come from? I suspect that it’s got an incorrect argument.

In particular, the variant key is telling the build command that it should look for a build variant with the name ShellScript, but more than likely what it should be specifying is the name of the build itself (not a variant of a build).

I would guess that the argument you want is build_system with a value that specifies the build to use:

        "keys": ["command+shift+r"], 
        "command": "build", 
        "args": { 
            "build_system": "Packages/ShellScript/ShellScript.sublime-build",
            "variant": ""

See this video for more details: