Sublime Forum

New UI features request


I am longtime paid user(3+ years) of sublime text. Today out of curiosity (I was tempted as well) to try ATOM. However much I abhor it , for it being too slow, I must appreciate it for its visuals . If I may,following are the list of features that if implemented in ST can go a long way in making it all the more beautiful.

  1. Adding icons to the Tab Bar.
  2. A stylish tooltip /autocomplete system API . The current one looks bland , IMHO

Is my list too lengthy ? Is is pretty expensive(in terms of time , resources, energy) to accomplish ? . I am willing to wait another 6 months or an year for these features , but please make my ST more beautiful . Increase the price if you may I am willing to pay more !




I’ve only been a sublime user for a couple of months, but I have noticed that sublime does not have the same visual “flair” as some other editors do, which can be a bit off-putting I would imagine. That said, I tested it out for less than a day before throwing my money at the devs because it just seems so much faster and better.

In regards to your #3 item there, you might find the package Origami useful (if you don’t already use it). Sublime already has the ability to do things like split panes (although it’s left to you to implement your own bindings), so the Origami plugin fills the gap by providing key bindings and menu items for all kinds of panel operations.



@OdatNurd origami allows you split a view into multiple views ?



Yes, unless what you meant by that is the ability to see two views into the same file at the same time, which I just realized might have been what you meant (if so, sorry for the noise).

However, assuming that what you meant was the ability to make this kind of layout easily with keyboard commands (or menu items), then Origami is incredibly useful in this regard. You can create panels, create new files directly in new panels, as well as shift files from one panel to another and navigate between them.



[quote=“OdatNurd, post:4, topic:20731”]
ability to see two views into the same file at the same time,
[/quote] I am sorry , but that is exactly what I wanted. As far as Origami is concerned, I already knew about it, I have not installed on my new machine as of now. I think the default Sublime way is suiting me well .



You can clone a view with the File > New View Into File command.

If you want it to automatically get split into a new layout pane, you can save this plugin @

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class split_view( sublime_plugin.TextCommand ):
	def run( self, edit, mode ):

		windowCommand = self.view.window().run_command

		windowCommand( "clone_file" )
		windowCommand( "new_pane" )

		layout_HorizontalSplit = { "cells": [ [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2] ], "cols": [0, 1],      "rows": [0, 0.5, 1] }
		layout_VerticalSplit   = { "cells": [ [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1] ], "cols": [0, 0.5, 1], "rows": [0, 1]      }

		if mode == "VerticalSplit":
			windowCommand( "set_layout", layout_VerticalSplit )
		elif mode == "HorizontalSplit":
			windowCommand( "set_layout", layout_HorizontalSplit )


And save the following key-bindings to
Preferences > Key Bindings - User

	"keys":  ["ctrl+l", "ctrl+1" ],
	"command": "split_view",
	"args":	{ "mode": "VerticalSplit" },
	"keys":  ["ctrl+l", "ctrl+2" ],
	"command": "split_view",
	"args":	{ "mode": "HorizontalSplit" },
	"keys":  ["ctrl+l", "ctrl+3" ],
	"command": "split_view",
	"args":	{ "mode": "" },


Well that’s embarrasing; I never noticed that before. :blush: In fact, even after reading this, I still went and looked in the View menu for the command anyway,

I’m in the smart party!

1 Like


@fico thanks… :slightly_smiling:
I will remove that option from my list of wishes … thanks once again…



I feel you, the command’s description is atrocious. Mind you, its name actually is “clone_view”.