Sublime Forum

New to sublime - can not get it set up correctly


I have downloaded and installed Sublime 3 on my Windows 10 machine.

I have watched many different videos on Youtube on setting up the program, but I can not figure out how to have the program write the file to my x.css file. As I understand it, the program should be writing to the x,css file as I am writing the sublime code in the Sublime program.

What am I missing? I have even deleted the program from my computer and loaded it a second time and still have the same problem. Is there a step-by-step instruction sheet or video which explains this in detail where I can not go wrong?



  1. What video?
  2. What do you mean by writing a x.css file?
  3. Do you cannot save the file with ctrl+s?


  1. I have watched many (more than 10) training videos on Youtube which discuss how to use Sublime.

  2. The “x” in my css file name just means it is a generic file name with the same prefix as my .cass file. In my case I was using the name “new.css”.

  3. It is my understanding that the .css file should be automatically written as you are typing the code in your sass file. This is what the videos indicated. Is this not correct?



I guess you need some plugins to achieve that…



Do you want to sublime text to save the file each time/keystroke your modify it?



The videos I watched show the css file being updated as you type in your sass file.

The css file does not get changed even when I save with ctrl+s.

I have a directory set up on my computer called “sass”. Inside this folder, I have a folder called “sass” and another folder called “css”. Inside the “sass” folder I have a file called “new.sass”, and in the “css” folder I have a file called “new.css”.

I assumed that when I changed the content of the “new.sass” file that my “new.css” file should be updated with the sass version of my text.

I am obviously doing something wrong, but I can not figure out what it is.




I even placed an empty file called new.css in the same folder as my new.sass file, but this did not work either.



Sublime Text does not do it without a plugin(s) installed. Find out what plugin(s)/package(s) they got installed.



OK, I can understand that without a plug-in it will not automatically update the css file as you are typing, but how do you generate a css file if you don’t use a plug-in?

Or, is Sublime Text just an editing program and does not generate any css code if you don’t use plugins?

I have a lot to learn.




Yes, Sublime Text is just a text editor (albeit a powerful, programmable one).

The general procedure for what you’re trying to do (if you were not using Sublime) would be to write a sass file and then run it through sass in order to generate the output css file. All the plugin is doing is automatically running that tool for you so that you don’t have to take the manual step.

The video you watched may have mentioned what plugin the author was using (either in the video or in the description/comments).



OK, I am beginning to understand. I just found another video called “Sublime Text 3: Setup, Package control, and Settings”.

I removed the Sublime Text program from my computer and downloaded a fresh new copy. I followed the instructions in the video about installing the “Package Control”. In the video he said if I see the text “Package Control: Install Package” on the screen that the package control was correctly installed.

However, when I go under “Preferences” and then click on “Browse Packages” it takes me to “Sublime Text 3 - Packages” folder on my computer rather than showing me the installed packages like it shows in the video.

What have I done wrong?

As on option, you say I can run my code through sass to achieve the same thing as Sublime Text is doing. How do I do this? Is there a website that I can copy my code to that will process it and output the correct sass code?



Preferences > Browse Packages opens up a file explorer to show the package directory where loose packages are installed. You don’t need to do that unless you want to manually install or modify a package.

In order to install a package, you need to open the Command Palette (Tools > Command Palette or the associated hotkey) and then type pc:in to filter the list of commands to show you the Package Control: Install Package text. When you select that command, after a brief pause (watch the status bar for progress updates), a list of packages will appear and you can select one to install.

Alternatively, Preferences > Package Control will open the command palette for you and then automatically filter down to just the package control commands, and you can select it from there.

If that menu item doesn’t appear, Package Control is not installed; in that case there should be a menu item that you can select to install it, or you can use the older method of installing (it’s a recent innovation in Sublime Text that the menu item for installation of PackageControl exists).

In order to work with sass (either manually or through a plugin), you need to install sass on your computer. That also requiring installing ruby, since that is the language that the sass program is written in.

A brief search pops up several options; presumably SassMeister is the most popular since it’s listed first.

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I have started from scratch a number of times, and the image shows where the Package Control.sublime-package is installed, and the other image shows what is displayed when I click on “Package Control”.

I am completely at a loss as to figuring out what is going on.




You have to figure out what package the person was using from the video that you watched.

If it’s available in Package Control, when you pick Package Control: Install Package it will show up in the list for you to select.

If it’s not available in Package Control, then the folder that you’re looking at is the place that you would manually install it (following the directions of the person that made it).



Thank everyone for their help.

I was able to get the package installed, Now when I try to load one of them I get the following error. The strange thing is, I did not pick anything with “Color” in the name. I not only get one of these errors, but numerous similar errors.

I am about to give up on trying to using Sublime Text.




What was the package installed?
It is trying to open a Color Scheme called 1337 Color Scheme, you may install it the same why you installed the other package.



While I hate to admit it, I don’t have a clue as to what I am doing.

I have completely reinstalled sublime text 3 or 4 times now. The previous package was not working, and I thought if I reinstalled the software, that all reference to previous packages would be removed. Unfortunately, that is apparently not the case.

I chose another package because the previous one did not work. I don’t remember the name of the package, I just picked a different one than I had previously installed.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am thinking of just giving up on this program as there is too many things I don’t understand.

A little background: I have designed hundreds of websites ever since the internet was first invented. I hand-coded every website until about a year ago I started designing with Bootstrap. I have since designed about 6 websites in bootstrap.

I am at a lull in website design now and thought I would look into using SASS, as I think this is a great system. I like the clean code it produces. Also, since I have programming experience in a lot of different programming languages, I like the idea of how SASS is similar to other programming languages.

I am an 80 year old Electronic Engineer with programming experience, and I am constantly trying to learn different programs as they are released. Unfortunately, trying to get a program to compile SASS has me stumped.




Sublime keeps all of your configuration files and installed packages in a location outside of it’s installation directory (specifically in your user folder) so that everything is maintained between installations. The exception to this is the Portal version of sublime text (on Windows), where everything is self contained in the application folder.

If you want/need to revert back to a clean state, there are instructions available that tell you what to do.



Thanks for this information. I may give it a try again. I do understand a little more each time I try things with the help from this forum. Unfortunately, I think I have a long way to go.



I cleaned up my computer and removed all the old configuration files as well as the program.

I then installed Sublime Text again, and installed two packages, one with color control and one titled SASS.

I assume it is OK to install multiple packages.

I notice that when I click on Preferences now, it shows “Font” and “Color Scheme” but doesn’t show anything about SASS. I don’t know if this is a good thing, or not.

I am too tired to try it tonight but will look at it again in the morning.
