I wish I could explain but I’m simply trying to put an HTML and it’s adjoining Javascript and CSS back into it’s folder that is now reading empty.
My project was to correct the code on one file by comparing it to a similar file that was done correctly. These two files were in separate folders “Working Code” and “Broken Code.” Currently everything is working but the “Broken Code Files” have disappeared from their original folder and the I can’t seem to get them back into their folder. The previously broken code html file is using the javascript and css from the working folder because that’s the only way it would save. It would not save as a broken folder while it is empty. The previously broken javascript and css files can be found but when they were connected the link to a wiki page did not work. It works now but the facts are those of the originally working folder.
I’m supposed to get all this together and upload a folder to a google drive and submit as homework tonight. LOL, I’m laughing because I have done and redone this same project for days and every time I wake up in the morning to do it again, things have changed and something else is wrong.