Sublime Forum

New KDE plasmoid for ST2


For all of you KDE4 users, I wrote a project launcher widget similar to the Kate project launcher. You need to symlink or copy your project files into one directory since there is no central db like Kate has. It monitors the directory so as projects are created and removed, the list is updated. You just need to install the widget and set the path to the ST2 executable and project directory and enjoy creating and launching projects from your desktop!

If you are curious or want to improve it, the code is on GitHub:




Can you describe the installation process ?

I can’t isntall it on my laptop, there’s an error.



You will need the PyKDE4 and PyQT4 libraries installed. In Debian/Kubuntu you can just

sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-kde4

For other flavors of Linux search for the packages in your package manager and install them.

The easiest way to install the plugin is to open the widget menu on your desktop and select ‘Add Widgets’. On the menu bar of the widget list select ‘Get New Widgets…’ -> ‘Download New Plasma Widgets’. In the search box just search for ‘sublime’ and it should pop up. Click ‘Install’ and then go back to your ‘Add Widgets’ menu and it will be there. Then just drag it onto your desktop and set the absolute paths in the configuration menu.