Sublime Forum

New Feature: Bass-Ackwards Selection


I think this would be a killer feature…bass-ackwards selection… :smile:

When doing a selection, have a modifier key that reverses the direction of selection. The would allow selecting backwards.

A simplistic example…

you have this…
$foo = $expression; return $foo;

you want this…
return expression

Making this simple change involves a lot of fussing about. But with a select backwards modifier you would be able to drag up from the bottom $foo to the $expression. The select would move to the end of the line, but originate from the beginning of each new line (instead of the end of the line). …hope that’s clear.

So rather than a multi-step edit, a simple backwards-select & delete and you’re done.

It could be very handy.
thanks, love sublime!







Cool! Tnx!

That said, it should be a built-in feature. It’s way too handy to be omitted from The Greatest Editor That Ever Was Or Will Be.

– XARO XHOAN DAXOS. :smiley:



Glad to help :slightly_smiling:

It would be great for ST to have every useful feature build in natively, but at the same time - the reason it’s such a great editor is because of the abundance of community-developed plugins.

Given the limited team & resources of ST, I’d prefer to see development efforts go into innovative features like Atom’s Block Decorations, or Light Table’s watches, inline evaluation, and live-rendering.

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The missing basic functionality thread

I get that. I mean it feels to me like a missing core feature. Powerful selection is core to Sublime.

Anyway, as you like.
– Collini out!