Sublime Forum

Need to Extract data in original format from .sublime_session file into sublime


Hi Team,

We have recently reinstalled MacOS and reinstalled sublime text application as well.
I am having the backup file with me but when I am trying to import it in the sublime it is showing like text file only and not showing like in origiginal different tabs

I am not able to extract that data as it is showing too much raw data that can not filtered.

I need to check this line by line and I am having 53K lines in the backup file.

Do we have any way in which I can recover that data in the original form in ehich i was entered that data?



The best way to get data out of a session file is to load it. If you’ve got unsaved files swap out your session file with the backup, save the unsaved files, and then swap back the session.



Do we have any SOp to do that like where I need to load hat file and how.
I have tried to do that but it is showing single file only with too much additional raw data.



The session file is located in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text



I have tried this but it still not working. The said files are not getting replaced.

~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Local. I have this folder as well but no luck



I have tried this but it still not working. The said files are not getting replaced.

Can you be more specific as to what’s happening and what you expect to happen?



I was having multiple tabs in sublime from last 2 years I have saved the required details in those tabs.

Now lat week I have reinstalled the MacOS on my mac and also reinstalled sublime application.

Before reinstallation I have backed up session files with me.

Now aftter reinstallation instead of showing multiple tabs in sublime it is showing only one text file with 53K lines.

But my concern why it is not showing in the tabular format instead of showing only one raw text file.



Sounds like you’re opening the session file using Sublime Text. That’s not how that works. The session file is where Sublime Text saves it’s own data, so you’ll want to: Quit Sublime Text, swap the session file in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text with the one from your backup, then start Sublime Text again.