Sublime Forum

N00b: autocomplete, theme stopped working after Emmet


Trying to install Emmet disabled autocomplete and themes, turning my Sublime Text into a dumb text editor. I removed ST and reinstalled. Same thing.

Settings seem to be unchanged:
// When enabled, pressing tab will insert the best matching completion.
// When disabled, tab will only trigger snippets or insert a tab.
// Shift+tab can be used to insert an explicit tab when tab_completion is
// enabled.
“tab_completion”: true,

// Enable auto complete to be triggered automatically when typing.
"auto_complete": true,

// The maximum file size where auto complete will be automatically triggered.
"auto_complete_size_limit": 4194304,

// The delay, in ms, before the auto complete window is shown after typing
"auto_complete_delay": 50,

// Controls what scopes auto complete will be triggered in
"auto_complete_selector": "meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc",

// Additional situations to trigger auto complete
"auto_complete_triggers": [ {"selector": "text.html", "characters": "<"} ],

// By default, auto complete will commit the current completion on enter.
// This setting can be used to make it complete on tab instead.
// Completing on tab is generally a superior option, as it removes
// ambiguity between committing the completion and inserting a newline.
"auto_complete_commit_on_tab": false,

// Controls if auto complete is shown when snippet fields are active.
// Only relevant if auto_complete_commit_on_tab is true.
"auto_complete_with_fields": false,

// Controls what happens when pressing the up key while the first item in
// the auto complete window is selected: if false, the window is hidden,
// otherwise the last item in the window is selected. Likewise for the
// down key when the last item is selected.
"auto_complete_cycle": false,

// Automatically close HTML and XML tags when </ is entered.
"auto_close_tags": true,

I can’t find any enabling files for Sublime Text using the terminal. What am I missing?

