There are bug fixes and subtle enhancements here and there. For the moment, mostly in the php syntax, because that’s where I work most. Up until now I’ve been using the php-grammar package which has a custom php syntax so it seems to work best in that, but with the new features in PHP even php-grammar is starting to break, so I’m currently in the process of getting rid of that custom syntax so that I can focus on polishing and fixing things better for the default syntax. It’s a too much work supporting two syntaxes anyways.
There’s also enhanced plugin support. Plugin authors, please open a ticket about adding support for your plugins.
Up until now, most of the work has been on ColorSchemeUnit, refining the color palette, and putting in place a robust test suite to help prevent regressions and make it easier to bug fix (and I still have to get shot of the custom syntax in php-grammar). Mostly preparation work.
One of the motivations for ColorSchemeUnit is that I found that anytime I tried to fix an issue with one syntax, if I used too generic a scope, oppose to a specific scope targeting that specific syntax, then syntax highlighting breaks in unknown ways, because it’s near impossible to manually test that you haven’t broken anything when you make general changes.
It also helps identify when changes to the underlying syntaxes change the syntax highlighting. Sometimes it’s for the better, but sometimes you need to make corrections. It’s also not just about identifying breakages, tests can help identify where enhancements can be made due to improvements in the underlying syntaxes e.g. when a syntax adds string interpolation scopes so that you can target constants and placeholders in strings.
So please open issues about syntax highlighting bugs (no matter how trivial). Also please don’t hesitate to open tickets about suggested enhancements and improvments. The test suite makes it fairly easy fix bugs and make changes without breaking things.