Sublime Forum

Missing preferences file


I’m doing a clean reinstall on Windows 10 64bit. I deleted the program and all files & folders I could find

Trying to follow “Mastering Sublime Text” by Dan Peleg

I’m supposed to edit /Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings but its not there. Do I have a problem or do I just create the file





I deleted the program and all files & folders I could find

Why should a file exist, which you have deleted before? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Do I have a problem or do I just create the file

Just create it and everything is fine. ST merges all *.sublime-… files it can find together and working with the resulting content. So if you did not change any settings, there is no need for a /Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings so far.

You can use Main Menu > Preferences > Settings to open a side-by-side view with all default settings on the left and a blank file on the right. Saving the right one will automatically create your missing file.



Because I thought reinstalling would recreate all the files :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Seriously, I got the impression from the book that all preference type files would be created as empty files on the reinstall.
Thanks for the clarification



Generally speaking, most applications only create user settings or app state upon first launch. Preference files within Sublime* are only created upon first modification (editing directly or menu items); note that this includes key binding settings & user settings for installed packages.



Okay, thanks for the information

Is there some way to mark questions answered or solved?





As the original question author, the posts in the thread should all have a button under them for you that looks like a check mark in a box; you can click that to select that post as the solution to the problem. The title of the post doesn’t change (though you can do that yourself if you want by using the pencil icon next to it), but the original question will have text added to it that mentions that it’s solved and points you at the answer.

(Liking the post is optional ;)).