Sublime Forum

Minor questions


Hello y’all!

I dig SublimeMerge on every step. But please allow me questioning two interests, which I couldn’t figure out for myself.


Is there any option to read out an expanded “history” of a commit? Although I do have seen the regular history mode with the pedigree, I would be keen on dertmining, where the files are exactly merging.


Where is the use in “Checkout”? As far as I know, it’s very basic to switch through the branches.
Do I harm my project, if I “Checkout commit on remote branch”?
Where is the difference between “Create local branch” and “Checkout commit on remote branch”?

Thank you so much for even reading



What exactly do you mean by “expanded history” in this context?

Each individual commit that exists contains the message, and you can view details on who made it and when, plus the files that existed in that commit:

I’m not sure what you mean by knowing where the files are merging, but one place is in merge commits, which are commits in the graph with a hollow box on them:


You can click the hollow box to expand it if it’s not already expanded (or to collapse it), to show the history that led up to the commit:


Neither of these help if your commit was a fast forward merge, because in git terms there’s no actual merge that happens.

You can click on the “three dots menu” to the right of file names in the summary to get a menu:

File History will show you the history of commits that touched that file, and Blame will show you the same with an extra annotation on which commits by which people touched which lines.

Creating a local branch will create a local branch that tracks the remote branch, and then check it out. You would do this if you plan to work on that branch.

Checking out just the commit does exactly that; it is the same as checking out a commit hash. That is to say, your local repository will be in a detached head state; you would use that if you want to look at/test the code at a commit without actually creating a branch from it, or maybe to start a new branch from that location.