I’m using sublime text 3 on ubuntu 22.04.5, and I’ve installed Minify via Package Control according the instructions at https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Minify (including checking clean-css etc. were installed correctly).
I’m trying to use Minify on a simple script called test_script.html (basically just “hello world”), but it won’t create a test_script.min.html file or even throw up an error message. I can’t minify through a right-click in the file editor, nor with Tools.
I should mention that HTML Minifier https://packagecontrol.io/packages/HTML%20Minifier works fine, but for the actual use cases I want to deal with it’s not going to be enough.
For reference, here is my Minify.sublime-settings script
// Auto-minify files on save?
“auto_minify_on_save”: true,
// you can specify command line parameters for .html minification
“html-minifier_options”: “–collapse-boolean-attributes --collapse-whitespace --html5 --minify-css --minify-js --process-conditional-comments --remove-comments --remove-empty-attributes --remove-redundant-attributes --remove-script-type-attributes --remove-style-link-type-attributes”,
// Open resulting file (minified or beautified)?
“open_file”: false,
// Only Minify specified file types (css, js, json, html, svg) when “auto_minify_on_save” is used
“allowed_file_types”: [
// “json”,
// “svg”
// you can specify command line parameters for cleancss
“cleancss_options”: “-O2”,
“debug_mode”: true,