Sublime Forum

Mini diff not showing up after restarting sublime


I started using sublime recently and I’ve noticed that the mini diff doesn’t seem to be working 100% properly.
What I am seeing is that when I make changes, I see the mini diff in the gutter. If I save, close sublime and restart it again, I no longer see the mini diff in the gutter.
I see the blue dot next to the file name in the project explorer indicating that it sees some change, but there is no diff marker.

Anyone else seeing this behavior?



You’ll want to change the git_diff_target setting:



I am assuming that you’re suggesting to switch the git_diff_target to “head”.

I did that and I still don’t see anything. I’m not sure if it will just take a while to re-calculate the diff as the code I am working on is a large repo that is on a network drive.

I’ll give it a bit of time and see if they start showing up.



Yes, otherwise the diff markers are against the working dir. So if you close the file and open it again, they are reset.

Everything about git will be slower over a network drive, yes, especially if it is a large re[p. If you have a slow connection and a huge repo, operations will be queued, and won’t complete until the git background thread has finished the operation before it.

I’m curious, for the sake of understand different configuration, why run a git repo over a network drive? Typically I see people running git so they have everything on their local drive and the network connection is only required for push/fetch.



I’m on a windows machine but need to develop in a linux environment. So we use a linux virtual machine within our windows machines. I’m still new to this, but we use SMB in order to make the vm file system accessible through the windows machines. SMB mounts the file system as a network drive. So right now I am running Sublime on my windows machine opening the folder that is on the vm through that network drive.

Generally, I do the classic git stuff directly on the vm, but thought text editing would be fine through this drive.

I’m not sure if this is the best way to do things right now. Best option might be to install sublime on the vm and use X forwarding to make it use my windows display.