I have used sublime text for half a decade now, and I think it only took me a few months to see its true value in my workflow.
I opened sublime today to see such a list of improvements to GIT integration, this can only be fantastic for my workflow - and I’ll now try Sublime Merge too.
As a developer I understand the view from a technical team is mostly triage of the constant influx of bug reports and driving improvements to keep existing customers, and drive product focus forward. However what doesn’t come back so much is…
Thankyou, I’ve used sublime for so many years, I struggle to use other text editors because they’re not as intuitive, performant or beautiful on the eyes. All of this comes back to the development team and the guidance of community feedback. So thank you all for driving sublime forward and allowing all of us users to enjoy the constant updates on a regular cadence.
Also my favourite feature has to be multiple cursors, so powerful for replacing one off jobs I’d usually have to code, for me they’re so easy to use in sublime.