Sublime Forum

Matrixify for ST2


If you dealt with a code with large data sets inside an array, list or a map like Hex data or countries list for example. Then it’s interesting to format it into a matrix shape , that’s much elegant than a single line or element per line approach and make the code readable and compact.

Please report any issues on the github page :



What do you think about the input method ? is there a better approach ?
I am new to python and this is my first ST2 plugins :smile:



I think requiring the user to enter their “matrix” format in the text document in order to format the selected text is a bit odd. You should consider using the input panel via the sublimetext API: show_input_panel. The API can be found here I didn’t try out but a few simple cases, but it seems like it would be better to have the user select the text they want to “matrixify” and when they execute the command show the input panel so they can specify the format.



Thanks for the feedback but I thought that using input will make the use of multi-selections a little bit harder , I’ll do it with input thanks again.
About package manager, why is it taking so long to add the plugin ? I know my plugin is not well written :unamused: but I liked to share it