I’m no Markdown guru but have been using it recently for technical documentation in an effort to streamline my git workflow re. code & associated docs. I’ve stumbled into a little issue with Sublime’s syntax for Markdown and am looking possibly for a fix or just some guidance
Working on potentially large docs I’m after the ability to use ST’s code folding as a kind of ‘outline view’ of my document. This depends upon indentation, so under my headings I’m indenting everything by a couple of spaces to allow me to collapse them. However, the syntax highlighting seems to break with lists (numbered and unordered) even if I have blank lines terminating the list. Eg.:
# Title {#title}
## Heading 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint distinctio, pariatur, doloribus iure delectus vero odit. Rerum maiores vero alias voluptate omnis? Aliquid consequatur voluptatum vitae blanditiis eveniet perferendis suscipit!
1. Some text
2. Some more text
3. Even more text
More paragraph text...
## Heading 2
The problem being that in Sublime, ‘More paragraph text…’ (indented by 2 spaces) is still considered as part of the list. It only appears correctly if I remove its 2-space indent at the start. This is even so if the list is further indented than the text below, say by 4 spaces.
My understanding is that if there’s a blank linespace after a list and the following line doesn’t begin with a number (ordered) or special bullet (unordered), markdown considers the list ended, and it appears that way when I preview my markdown using github or python-markdown via the MarkDownPreview package.
So my question is this: Am I missing something here, or is there room to improve the bundled Markdown syntax package? Possibly resident markdown guru @deathaxe can offer some advice?