Sublime Forum

Markdown Editing: Behavior for lists like MS Word


I’m using MarkdownEditing (using MacOS) and want ordered /unordered lists to behave similarly to Microsoft Word or Libre Office where I find it easier to extend and modify lists.

The main difference with these other editors is that they ignore the bullet (asterisk) when navigating or editing text. When a user creates a bullet-ed list, he/she doesn’t interact with it like normal text. There is a toggle to turn the bullet on and off and when the bullet is active it is ignored during the actual text editing.

One concrete e.g. of desired behavior: hitting “return” when the cursor is at the start of a line that starts with a bullet point would generate a new bullet entry right below it

  • One
  • ||Two
  • Three

In this case “||” in front of “Two” represents the cursor. I want to hit “return” and have a new bullet created above that line and have the cursor to appear right after that new bullet:

  • One
  • ||
  • Two
  • Three

Instead, the behavior is what the editor would perform normally: “Two” appears on a new line (not indented despite how it appear here) and the asterisk has been left on the line above it :

  • One
  • ||
  • Three

A second example is having the tab key make the line prefaced with an asterisk a sub-item of the list item above it.

  • One

Desired behavior when hitting tab at the “||” that represents the cursor would be:

  • One
    • Two

Instead you get:

  • One
  •  Two

These a couple among a number of different behavior I’m after and wondering if there is an alternative package to Markdown Editing or a different configuration of it that comes closer this? Or other ideas to get Sublime to do what I’m after?



You probably want to opt-in into MarkdownEditing 3.0.0 pre-releases.

Please refer to to learn how to do so.

The described behavior is part of 3.0.0 roadmap and actually already available.

There are several list-related improvements which need some work though, such as

  • automatic re-numbering of numbered lists
  • correct indendation width of sub-items depending on where text starts