Sublime Forum

LSP opens side panel or something that I can't close


I’ve been using sublime for maybe 10 years now and I have encountered a situation I cannot resolve!

I am using LSP, I type a partial name of a function, it lists several to choose from and then lets me click on a blue link to see the different instances of that particular symbol in the project. If I click on one of those, my window is split vertically to show me the definition that I am looking it a new right pane.

And … how do I close it? I tried all the functions in the View -> Layout menu and the View -> Groups menus as well.

And in the middle of typing this … it disappeared when I went back to try to reproduce it … but then when I invoked the “Jump Back” command, it went back in time and BOOM there was the side-pane again.

And just now I did the same thing again and now I have 2 additional vertical panes in my one window, the one I was working on and the ones that popped open, and I have no idea how to close them.

Um, help?



Do you have a screenshot?



leads to

It looks like I have two tabs open and I can make it go away if I click on the tab of my left panel OR the tab of the right panel. Super confusing. I think … I like this feature if I can figure out what the names are of the window components and how to control them.

Is this a way to split a window w/out creating a group? If so, what is this element called?



I don’t use LSP but your situation sounds like you’re hitting the new multi tab select; when you choose items from the default popup and press the appropriate key/click the icon, a new tab is created for you into the appropriate file and the added to the tab selection, making that group of files appear to have a temporary split in it.

If LSP is doing the same thing, then closing the extra tab just like you would if you had opened it yourself will make it go away.

The menu items that control this (in core Sublime) are in Selection > Tab Selection, which may outline some useful keys for you.

It’s also possible to split the layout into any number of groups you want; the items for that are in View > Layout.



OH! Tab Selection! Never heard of that.