Sublime Forum

Löve2D build system issue



I’m using the LuaLove package to build my games under ST3. Here is my problem, i can build when the active tab is my main.lua but as soon as I change tab and try to run with ctrl+b I get an error from Löve saying “no code to run”.

My folder looks like this:

and here is my build system:

“file_regex”: “^(?:(?:\t)|(?:.+: ))(.+):([0-9]+): (.*)$”,
“selector”: “source.lua”,
“cmd”: [“lua”, “$file”],

“variants”: [
{ “name”: “Run”,
“cmd”: [“luajit”, “$file”]
{ “name”: “Love2D”,
“shell”: true,
“cmd”: [“love”, “$project_path”],
“cmd”: [“love $project_path”]
{ “name”: “ldoc: File”,
“shell”: true,
“cmd”: [“ldoc -d $project_path/doc/$file_base_name -f markdown -t $file_base_name $file”]
{ “name”: “ldoc: Project”,
“shell”: true,
“cmd”: [“ldoc -d $project_path/doc -f markdown -t $project_base_name $project_path/src/”]

the files that i can’t run are in the src directory, i believe the error come from here but i don’t really know how to solve it. Thanks for your help.



FYI: I just had to create a sublime project. In project > save project as…