After almost three years, 4k pull requests and probably over 2k package additions, I’d like to step down a bit with maintaining the, which is the default list of all packages available for installation via Package Control. I just don’t find the time and motivation necessary to keep up with the high quality standard we established within the package list and would like to slowly move away over the time.
Because our package manager’s package list has a high standard (i.e. everything is reviewed, unlike any other list), you need to know about a few things before you are able to properly review.
- Be familiar with our review guidelines. It looks like a lot and you don’t need to know them by heart ofc, but you must have read everything and understood the general procedure.
- Be familiar with how Sublime Text packages work, which resources are supported and what they do.
- Some time to spare every week. Ideally, you would check for notifications daily, but we don’t expect that from you. However, be prepared to spend 1-2 hours every week on reviews (time varies).
If we find multiple volunteers, this time can be split of course. - (Bonus) Can scan Python code quickly looking for common mistakes (see also guidelines). When in doubt, ping me to re-review.
Just post in this thread or message me in private and @wbond and I will work something out for you.
Again, I’ll be available to walk you through any questions you have via multiple communication channels (preferrably IRC or XMPP)
The Future
Eventually, we want to move away from the hand-review process and provide a tool for automation, but we would like to maintain the high-ish standard we force onto packages somehow.
We are still very far away from this since we both do not find the time to work on this, but hand reviews should eventually be deprecated.