Sublime Forum

★ Looking for a strategy to Open-Source the Default Packages


Hi there,

We basically split in two the list of features request, improvements and bugs related with ST (the editor), and ST (the default packages), SEE:

I think we need now a strategy to be able to update/modify/fix/improve the “DefaultPackages” whose source is mostly available. I opened this github issue

Some Problems to solve:

  • Can we really “open-source” these packages? What can we do to help ST developers concentrate into “Core” things?
  • If you “disable” the package named “Default” weird things happens, we should be able to disable and enable ANY package, this is related to Core, maybe something is hardcoded?
  • Strategy to keep in sync the ST builds with our improved versions. Any ideas?
  • Update Package Control, to apply/update/remove these improvements made by the community.
  • Organization, The package named “Default” is a mess, for example we can sort some functionality by type, moving “”, “” and related files to the package named “Text” as these are involved with that topic.

Any ideas? I mostly interested to know about how to keep the complete thing in sync, because the other topics can be handled meanwhile. :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you don’t have rights to the source packages you have to do a clean-room implementation. That would require far more discipline than some random user “community” will have.



Seems to me the license issue can be sorted … t-68219237 , we can also help to add the correct license gradually to these packages. I think this can be handled meanwhile.