Sublime Forum

Looking for a plugin that enables live HTML/CSS editing


I am new to programming, and started off on a website called Codecademy to learn HTML/CSS, as I thought it would be a good starting point. (I eventually want to move onto JavaScript, C, and so on). Anyway, in Codecademy’s web UI, there is a section for the lesson, a section for the code, and on the corner there is a live preview of what your page would look like if you saved it and opened it with a browser. It is expandable, and shows any changes you make in HTML/CSS instantly, even if they are different files linked to each other. I’m looking for a plugin that provides similar functionality with Sublime Text. I really like Sublime Text, but have gotten used to this feature. I have already looked into Livestyle, (Installed through WebKit Nightly) and don’t think it does exactly what I’m looking for. It seems to only edit existing web pages by letting you add custom CSS, and I want to create new ones. Unless I’m completely overlooking something. If so, let me know. Thanks in advance for the help! (If there is no plugin like this, let me know and I will add this question to the feature request forum.)



Take a look at emmet livestyle:



I stated in my question that I had already looked into it, and it didn’t provide the functionality that I needed. (At least not that I could see/find)



fwiw check out
works with plain html and angular templates



You’re right in that Emmet Livestyle is designed for CSS, but instead take a look at this: … tree/devel)