@mads_hartmann I don’t know if my code below may be of interest to you . I use two shortcuts to run this, one to list the files alphabetically and one to list by their last modified date.
It’s ignoring new/untitled files (and different groups) for the moment. I might modify it to work with new/blank views - I’ll use ‘datetime.now()’ as their ‘modified’ value, but I just need to convert this to a float value (to prevent it error-ing out when comparing it to the other modified (float) values).
[code]import sublime_plugin
from os import path
from operator import itemgetter
from datetime import datetime
class OrderedFilesCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, index):
OF = OrderedFilesCommand
OF.file_views = ]
win = self.window
for vw in win.views():
if vw.file_name() is not None:
_, tail = path.split(vw.file_name())
modified = path.getmtime(vw.file_name())
OF.file_views.append((tail, vw, modified))
pass # leave new/untitled files (for the moment)
if index == 0: # sort by file name (case-insensitive)
OF.file_views.sort(key = lambda (tail, _, Doh): tail.lower())
win.show_quick_panel([x for (x, y, z) in OF.file_views], self.on_chosen)
else: # sort by modified date (index == 2)
OF.file_views.sort(key = itemgetter(2))
(datetime.fromtimestamp(z)).strftime("%d-%m-%y %H:%M ") + x
for (x, y, z) in OF.file_views], self.on_chosen)
def on_chosen(self, index):
if index != -1: