What are you trying to do? Could this be a XY problem?
A command cannot keep running, otherwise the Sublime Text interface will hang. See: https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/1463 Packages are allowed to hang Sublime Text Indefinitely
Unless you put a thread to run on background, but on this case, the run command will almost immediately stop. So, there is not much use only allowing the on_modified
event running only for that short period of time. Anyways, this code should do it as you describe literally:
class exampleCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand, sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener):
can_run = False
def run(self, edit):
self.can_run = True
print("Comand ran")
self.can_run = False
def on_modified(self):
if self.can_run:
print("Document chang")
With threading it would be like this:
import threading
class exampleCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand, sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener):
can_run = False
def run(self, edit):
threading.Thread(target=self.run_long_command, args=("Command ran",)).start()
def run_long_command(self, argument):
self.can_run = True
self.can_run = False
def on_modified(self):
if self.can_run:
print("Document change")