Sublime Forum

Link css to html is not working


Hi there

I would like you help me, i’m linking a css style sheet but when i load the page in chrome , it looks with no style, but when the style is in the hlml file it woks well, is it a failure of the code or i need to install any plug in? the css file is in the same folder of the html file.

these are the codes

Page Title

This is a paragraph.

This is a paragraph.

@charset "UTF-8";
/! CSS document */



		font-family:Impact, Haettenschewiler, "Franklin Gothic Bold", "Arial Black", "sans-serif";



Sublime has nothing to do with how your browser represents the HTML that you provide, so this problem is not Sublime related at all (i.e. it’s not something that you need to install a package for).

The HTML in your post are not visible because the forum doesn’t display arbitrary HTML. In order to provide help you’ll need to edit your post and quote the HTML so that it’s visible. Select it all and the press the toolbar button </> to turn it into preformatted text so that it’s visible.



thanks for your answer Odatnurd

i installed dreamwever and created a new css file, and i was writing one character bad, that was the reazon.

Thanks, i’m new with this :slight_smile: