Sublime Forum

License upgrade again



this is my first Post.

I bought a license for Sublime Text 2 years ago and it was not cheap.
Now that Version 3 is old and 4 is up-to-date, i wanted to register
my license in Version 4. Sublime told me that my license has expired
and led me to the upgrade license page, which told me, that the upgrade
should cost $80 !. I think this is massively overpriced. Had i known
that this pricing policy would take place i surely wouldn’t have bought
Sublime Text in the first place.

Now when i look at the Aboout dialog, it tells me , that its registered to
me. What is the status now? Is it registered or has the license expired?

I am asking this, because i want to make sure that before i continue
my project, i make the right choice for the editor i use.





I bought a license for Sublime Text 2 years ago and it was not cheap.

Sorry it’s not clear from your wording, if you bought your license 2 years ago then it’ll continue to cover ST4 updates for another year.

Now when i look at the Aboout dialog, it tells me , that its registered to
me. What is the status now? Is it registered or has the license expired?

We treat licenses that don’t cover a version of Sublime Text better than unlicensed - your ST is in an “upgrade required” state. You won’t get nagged but it’ll say “LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED” in the title bar.



The version i bought was Sublime Text 2 and i bought it years ago :slight_smile:

What I am unsure of is if the licensing state of my actual ST installation is legal
to use or not. I don’t want to be sued for using an unlicensed product.
For me “LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED” means, that it is not legal to continue
using ST any further (at least for more than some private editing), since it is not in
a testing phase anymore and my old license has expired. Is this correct?



Without a valid license you’re back to evaluating Sublime Text.



Thanks for your reply.

I think i’ve evaluated ST enough to consider other alternatives now.

Have a nice day, yours




I’m sorry for the intrusion, but is your work not even worth $80? Are you possibly living in a third-world country?