Sublime Forum

Keyboard shortcut for Switching Repository not working


Sorry if this was already asked/solved and I missed it but on my Mac, cmd+shift+O would bring up the switch repo menu but on Windows, ctrl+shift+O seems to do nothing.

Also, is there any way I can change this keybind? I’d like to make it like Sublime Text’s switch project functionality, ctrl+alt+P.



You can indeed change the key binding for this, in the same way that you would in Sublime Text; use Preferences > Browse Packages... to find your User package and then create a file named Default (Windows).sublime-keymap inside of it (you can also sub in OSX or Linux, depending on your platform, and add the following text:

    // Mimic quick switch project in Sublime.
    { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+p"], "command": "quick_switch_repository" },

You can change the key as appropriate; for example on OSX I use super+ctrl+p for this to keep things consistent with how Text works for project switching.



Oh that is awesome! Thank you so much!!



I found it easier to learn the SM shortcut, and map the same to ST’s Switch Project.

For Sublime Text:

  { // Open in Sublime Merge
    "keys": ["super+alt+z"],
    "command": "exec",
    "args": {"cmd":  ["smerge", "$project"]}

  { // Match the shortcut in Sublime Merge
    "keys": ["super+shift+o"],
    "command": "prompt_select_workspace"