Sublime Forum

Keybinding issue on Linux


Hi guys,

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I don’t manage to set a different key shortcut for a specific action, on Linux (works fine on Windows).
I’m editing the $HOME/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap file but it seems it is not taken into account.
As a test, I’m just changing the keybinding for a simple action and the old one is still working, the new one is not.

Any idea?

Thanks so much for your help,




the old keybinding continuing to work is normal, so lets investigate the new one not working:

  • can you show the JSON for the keybinding you added?
  • what keyboard layout are you using?
  • if you open the ST console (View menu -> Show Console) and type sublime.log_input(True) Enter does ST show anything in the console when you press the keybinding?