Sublime Forum

Key binding to open current project in IntelliJ/VSCode


A common workflow for me is to clone or pull changes on a repo and then opening it in IntelliJ or VSCode.
For single files, I can often use the “Open in editor” action of a changed file.
But if I want to open the whole project, the fastest way I have found is to click Repository -> “open containing folder”, navigating up one folder and selecting “Open in other application” -> IntelliJ.

Can I create a keybinding to directly open the whole folder in IntelliJ or VSCode?

I tried keybindings like this, but could not get it to do anything. I tried “$path” and “$working_dir”.

    "keys": ["ctrl+l"],
    "command": "open_in_editor",
    "args": { "path": "$path" , "line": "0", "col": "0"}