Sublime Forum

Key binding developer documentation


Can someone finalize the documentation on this page?

Right now, I am trying to assert that user is on the code editor panel, but I don’t know how it could be possibly called.



What do you mean with “code editor panel”? The normal view in the editor layout? That is not a panel at all. You could identify those views by checking setting.is_widget for falsity.



I am fairly certain we are talking about the same thing.

For the sake of completeness:

^^^ this area



As @FichteFoll mentioned, if you want to test for that, use the setting context and check the is_widget setting; that is set to true when a view is being used as an input widget, such as the text area in the command palette, in the console, etc.:

     { "keys": ["f1"], "command": "insert", "args": {"characters": "a"},
      "context": [
        { "key": "setting.is_widget", "operator": "equal", "operand": false },

F1 will insert an a in a file, but not in the input widget in the console, etc.

Out of curiosity, what sort of binding are you making that requires that you distinguish between editing a file and being in an input widget?



I am trying to fix that in the easiest way possible (note that the first two shortcuts clash with the sublime-native Find/Replace all)



The default bindings for those keys use the panel_has_focus context to know that a panel is focused, so simplistically you could replace the bindings in your link with:

    { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+enter"], "command": "show_keyword_documentation",
      "context": [
        {"key": "panel_has_focus", "operator": "equal", "operand": false}

    { "keys": ["alt+enter"], "command": "jump_to_keyword",
      "context": [
        {"key": "panel_has_focus", "operator": "equal", "operand": false}

With that in place, the custom bindings will only apply when a panel is not open, but otherwise the default keys would apply instead.



That is why I think the documentation would warrant improvements. Unless I am looking at the wrong one.

"context": [{"key": "panel", "operand": "find"}, {"key": "panel_has_focus"}]

So, I guess that should be read as: when panel:find and panel has focus.

However, the leap from this to that:

{"key": "panel_has_focus", "operator": "equal", "operand": false}

Is not straightforward. Unless, it is “widely known” that everything is panels, except the main view.

I also tried to add this:

{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.robot"},

(which I stole from Anaconda plugin), but it doesn’t seem to work (even though, the file is auto-highlighted as Robot Framework Syntax)

Thank you for your quick and complete response :slight_smile: