I am wondering if anyone knows any package or maybe way to setup Java for sublime text development in a sense that a package or something setups your project tree file system because I dont know of any that there are for Sublime, for example when you make a project in VSCode there you can press make Java project and it creates the tree structure for you which is pretty neat so I am wondering if there is something like that for ST and if maybe there are some packages or something that allow you to do that.
Java project package
the obvious question is, is there a command line tool to achieve that? if there is, a plugin for ST can easily be set up to invoke it
There’s the mvn archetype plugin: https://maven.apache.org/archetype/maven-archetype-plugin/
This can generate archetype projects from the command line. Maybe that’s what you’re looking for?
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Thanks for the info, yeah I knew of maven but didnt know about this so this looks really promising I might give it a try thanks!