Sublime Forum

Issue with \ Autocompletion in LaTeXTools (Sublime Text 4)


Hi everyone,

I’m using Sublime Text 4 with the LaTeXTools package andI’ve encountered an issue where autocompletions strip the \ from LaTeX commands when I press Tab . For example:

  • When I type \be , Sublime suggests \begin , but pressing Tab results in begin (without the \ ).

Things I’ve tried so far:

  1. Confirmed the issue is located in LaTeXTools package (It fixes itself when said package is disabled)
  2. Removed all snippets from the LaTeXTools package

Interestingly, disabling the LaTeXTools package entirely resolves the issue, so it seems LaTeXTools

How can I prevent LaTeXTools from stripping the \ in autocompletions?

Thanks in advance.

Interestingly, other snippets that I’ve created also break in the same way (for instance, I created a snipped that turned \listaromana into



But sometimes (and only sometimes), it also removes the first \ from the snippet.

Video of the issue



This seems a duplicate issue as here.



Although the github issue doesn’t solve this for me, If I decide to follow this issue up I’ll do it over there. Thanks :slight_smile: