Sublime Forum

Is there a way to enable highlighting of changes inside lines in the "Merge Tool"?


Is there a way to enable highlighting of changes inside lines in the “Merge Tool”?

If I run:

sublime_merge mergetool /tmp/test1.txt /tmp/test2.txt

The Merge Tool will correctly identify conflicts, but is there a way to have it highlight changes inside lines between test1.txt and test2.txt?




Can you clarify what you mean by “highlight changes inside lines between test1.txt and test2.txt”?

In this contrived example:

The highlight shows the conflict, but also what parts of the lines are different on each side and which are not. Do you mean something different than that?

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Thanks for your response.

Can you try with this file contents:


some very long line with important additions and removals


some very long line with important additions TEST and removals

I want it to highlight the word TEST, but it’s not doing it.




Hmm indeed in that case it does not. I suspect that is related to the diff algorithm that’s being used in git/by merge wherein the hunk that conflicts is the whole content, and there aren’t any overlaps before and after for it to come up with a contextual diff (as in the example I cobbled together above).

I’m not sure if there’s a way to make this happen for this situation, unfortunately.