Sublime Forum

Is there a way to display symlinks as path in text instead of the linked file content?


There just isn’t a way to differentiate the symlinked files from the actual ones, It’s fairly easy to accidentally edit the shared file. Can we just display them as path in text? or can we give them a different display in the search bar and/or the folder tree?

In a large project with tons of symlinks, it’s annoying to double check each file in a separate file explorer before editing.



There isn’t a way to display the source of the symlink, not a way to influence behavior of symlinked files. Using projects you can disable following symlinks that are directories.



thanks for the reply. one more question, will this ever be considered for future development? or is it something that’s completely not doable due to things like OS specific restrictions?



In general, most things are possible. I can’t say I know with absolute confidence that all symlinks of files can be detected, but I would certainly think it should be possible. I know it is possible with directories.

If you’d like to see this in a future release, head over to and see if you can find an existing issue. If not, create one.



Just did. would love to see this in a future release. thanks for the help.