I don’t see any way of adding a submodule in a subfolder of the repo instead of at the root. “The name that will be stored in the .gitsubmodules file” does not impact the location of the repo.
Is there a way to add a submodule in a subfolder?
Sorry, maybe my initial question was not too clear, the question is not for git but more for SM. I’m wondering if there is a way to add a submodule in a subfolder through the SM interface.
Not that I know of, and I couldn’t trick SM into allowing it by using spaces in the arguments the command palette asked for (SM auto-quoted the arguments). I would imagine this will become possible when the Plugin API is added or when/if customizations can be added to built-in commands.
It’s something pretty basic and something that people expect to be able to do with the bare version of SM… I believe it warrants a feature request instead of being and add-on, what do you think?
I wouldn’t know as I haven’t had a need to use submodules yet myself. Feel free to create one though: https://github.com/sublimehq/sublime_merge/issues.
For people still searching for a way to do this: Is it possible to have submodules deep in subfolders?