Sublime Forum

Is down or is it just me?


Tried visiting it some time last week and it was down. Tried again today and it still down? I don’t seem to see anything posted about this recently so I wanted to ask.

The website is just blank white with a 500 status code.



I am seeing the same thing right now too.



Yep, still down - 14hrs later. 500 error.



It seems limited to just a couple pages. still works fine for me, but and the main site both give a 500 Error



I tested different places by switching VPNs, and it really can’t be opened



Six days later and it is still down. Does not bode well. It is starting to feel like ST is not actively supported



The problem is that Packagecontrol is not “official” but a “private” site of an ex-employee:



It was online but broke again on Sunday.

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This is very unfortunate, I was trying to share a user folder between computers and now they are both hosed package-wise. Package Control uninstalls manual copies of packages because it gets 500s. So I guess I’ll research how to manage plugins without it. I like Sublime, I hope someone is in a position to step up and fix this situation. It invalidates a lot of the hard work that went into Sublime and pushes customers to look elsewhere.

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Oh, dear. That’s worrying. Surely ST HQ should beg/borrow/buy this back? It is so critical to the whole ST ecosystem that without it, it becomes a bit rudderless. What good is an IDE if you can’t extend it, through officially supported channels?

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So is it time to give up Sublime Text? But I don’t like VS Code.



Is it possible to get a statement from Sublime HQ on this ? What we (customers) should do ?
Managing plugins without package control isn’t trivial. For example InsertDate which I use multiple times a day specifies “You must install this package with [Package Control][pck-ctrl], under [InsertDate][pck-browse].”. So now I have to reverse engineer. Also package-control uninstalled most of my plugins so I’m trying to find a backup that might have had that data. It’s really painful. Also had a case where my preferences got overwritten by a list of packages, wild.
I don’t mind manually managing plugins, I actually like the idea of no auto-update from code that is abandoned (supply chain attacks) but could use a little bit of help.
Anyway after many hours I deleted anything looking like packagecontrol, I copied the “all” or “st3” folders from python plugins in Packages/ that apparently packagecontrol had installed into Lib/python33/. Seems to work for all plugins on one machine. Let’s see how many days before it breaks.
Either it buys me a year or so for packagecontrol to be fixed or migration out of Sublime will be in order. The nightmare of managing plugins and keeping an error-less config is what made me leave vim for Sublime. I guess the same pattern repeats itself …

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Package Control uninstalls manual copies of packages because it gets 500s.

500 is returned for web app only. Required JSON data is still delivered and thus Package Control client can still operate normally. Even though default channel isn’t updated anymore so no updates will arive.

Packages being uninstalled automatically indicates they are not being listed in Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings. Package Control always syncs (installs or removes) managed packages (those which have been installed by Package Control before) according to the list of expected packages in "installed_packages" list. This enables placing just a proper Package Control.sublime-settings file into a new setup and let PC install everything automatically.

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I did see error 500 in the Sublime console, it’s not only through web browsers.
I did add the packages I wanted in Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings file. But then half the packages gets move to in_process_packages and nothing I tried could solve it within a reasonable amount of time. It’s also how I managed to get my preferences overwritten by a huge list of packages.
So I went the no package control route for which I was able to make progress and get to a working state. I didn’t debug why package control gets stuck but tried various (obviously wrong) things (clear cache, manual re-edit, …). My guess was that some of the 500 errors (I did see them in the console) were triggering something.
By the way having a .sublime-settings that is read/write isn’t great. Ideally config should be read only if in Packages/User.



As channel_v3.json is directly delivered as static file by still running nginx instance, I don’t see reasons for it throwing a 500 - and I wonder why no-one else does. Packages and libraries are directly downloaded from Github or pypi.

EDIT: Maybe 500 errors are caused by failing attempts of submitting usage stats. Fixable by "submit_usage": false,

Writing ignored_packages is the only way to disable/unloading packages during update and in_progress is the way how to remember which ones to re-enable when recovering from an interruption. The ladder one could go into a hidden cache file, but it wouldn’t change much.

Auto removing orphaned packages can be disabled via "remove_orphaned": false, in Package Control settings.



Verified 500 is returned by failing attempt to send usage stat information.

Package Control: Error submitting usage information. HTTP error 500 downloading

This message does however not affect package installation/upgrade process beyond delaying it a bit.



Thank you for the information and trying to reproduce the problem.

However this is not the error I was seeing, unfortunately it’s not in my console anymore so I can’t cut and paste. It could very well be that I was hitting another issue but timing is certainly suspicious.

But I do appreciate you sharing insights on how package control works, it would have been useful yesterday. I’m not sure what you mean by “The ladder one” or what are “orphaned packages” in this context but that’s not important anymore. I got myself a working system.

I wouldn’t mind troubleshooting more but it seems pointless given the state of package control: central to Sublime yet not owned nor taken over by Sublime HQ. Actions are louder than words, nothing screams lack of interest like leaving an important service down for so many days without official communication (that I know of). I was always worried about supply chain attacks via editor plugins but now I don’t want to touch a neglected backend until there is a push to address this situation thoroughly. Just my personal opinion, to each their own.

I tried VS Code for a few hours this morning and just typing is laggy, I really want Sublime to succeed.



Seems to be back.



Down again