I am writing a plugin to (amongst other things) convert MD to HTML, break this HTML up into separate files based on heading structures, and download any linked images.
This is all working.
I know that ST plugins use an older Python kernel, but I have successfully imported BeautifulSoup into my plugin, for HTML traversing and DOM manipulation.
This I achieved using a dependencies.json file:
{ "*": { "*": [ "bs4"] } }
I now want to extend this to dynamically resize any overly large image files (eg anything beyond 1024px wide), using the PILLOW library.
from PIL import Image
Despite my best efforts, I cannot get Pillow to become available to my plugin.
I continually get the error:
ImportError: No module named 'PIL'
This is despite extending the dependencies.json file, like so:
{ "*": { "*": [ "bs4","PIL"] } }
Any help gratefully received